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Ireland’s Ian Machado Garry had some strong words for his UFC 292 opponent Neil Magny during Thursday’s pre-fight press conference in Boston.

The Dubliner, who is looking to go a perfect 6-0 in the UFC this weekend, took umbrage with comments made by Magny the day before when the welterweight veteran intimated that he would beat Garry as if he were his own child — comments which did not go down well with the 170-pound division rising contender.

“Neil was given a f*cking mic yesterday, and he should sit up here on this stage and say nothing,” Garry said in response to a question from The Mac Life’s Oscar Willis. “He put his f*cking foot in the dirt. If he speaks today, he’s going to be digging a hole.

“Nobody is allowed to ask Neil Magny a question today. He needs to sit there and reflect on the sh*t that he said because what he said was f*cking ridiculous. Did you watch the clip? Did you hear it? You heard word for word what came out of that man’s mouth? We are tackling a very, very big f*cking issue here, mate. He should sit there and f*cking sit down and shut up, and just reflect on what he said.”

Magny, who was repeatedly shouted down by Garry throughout the press conference, did manage to get a word in: “You know I’ve never put my hand on a child. You can play the victim all you want. Don’t mention my child ever again. That’s the only warning.”

Garry resopnded: “Mate, you get beat by f*cking everybody. What are you going to do? You’re going to put me up against the cage, and you’re going to clinch and have a borefest. Who’s ass have you ever whooped?”

One thing is for sure, Saturday’s fight between the two now has a little extra spice applied to it.