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Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen protests across the world following the death of George Floyd at the hands of U.S. police officers.

The words Black Live Matter have brought together millions over the globe, with hundreds of thousands taking to the street in solidarity. Today, members of the UFC roster have followed suit, recording a virtual video speech to share their own message for the rest of the world.

The full message reads:

“It’s been almost two weeks since the murder of George Floyd and as athletes of the UFC, we want you to know we stand with our brothers and sisters around the world seeking equality. Also, our sport is deemed dangerous and brutal, but ironically as martial artists, our practice rooms are filled with men and women from all different walks of life who come together to hone their craft and make each other better people in the process.

“Our differences don’t matter because we need each other. Just like right now. Our brothers and sisters need our help to stand up to the unjust killing of innocent black men, women and children of America. So we the athletes of the UFC want it to be known that we stand together and condemn racism and police brutality.

“What if it was me? Because one day it could be me. I am Breanna Taylor. I am Ahmaud Arbery. I am Philando Castile. I am Trayvon Martin. I am Sandra Bland. I am Eric Garner. I am Walter Scott. I am Tamir Rice. I am Jordan Banker. I am Frank Smart. I am Oscar Grant. I am George Floyd.

“Today we vow to stand up and speak out for what’s right. Together. Yesterday, today and every damn day. Black lives matter.”

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