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Jeremy Stephens says he’s completely over the eye poke incident with Yair Rodriguez — but is still coming to do some serious damage on fight night.

Stephens was speaking to the gathered media in Boston following an intense open workout, where he brushed off the idea Friday’s fight was any more personal than his usual contests. After all, he says, every fight is as personal to him as you can get.

“I feel good,” Stephens said. “Cool as a cucumber. Calm like a bomb. Ready to go off. I’m gonna kill this kid. If he don’t die, it don’t count. That’s what I’m thinking. It’s always personal. It’s always personal when you fight, this kid’s trying to take money off my kid’s table. What if I was coming into your house, taking food off your table and smacking your kid? That’s the way I look at it. How would you feel if I was to do that? Personal? Fuck yeah, it’s personal.

“It’s a fight. You only get one cheque if you lose. You think this is a game? You think this is a sport? It’s not a sport, it’s fist fighting bro. I’m fighting for my blood, I’m fighting for my family every time I step in there.”

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