Anyone who trains regularly knows how months of repetitious exercise can take its toll.
After the initial thrill of a new hobby turns into a regular outing and becomes routine, the motivation can soon wane to a point where discipline becomes the driving force. Often, this can be the moment where gym goers begin to lose track of their fitness regime, with some falling away from working out completely.
There is, however, ways in which one can self-motivate.
Finding new landmarks can often be key to keep one interested in exercising regularly. As detailed on TheMacLife Health, here are ways to incorporate goals to your work out and keep the drive flowing.
Get specific about your goals | Pick goals that are achievable
When it comes to goals and working out, it’s important to stay specific and relevant. There’s not much point in following a weight training program and then aim to run hill sprints in a certain time. Instead, consider things such as aim to improve your personal best in the area your working in.
However, while goals are important, setting lofty targets that you’re unlikely to reach won’t do much for your motivation. Indeed, it’s more likely to have the opposite effect. Pick goals that are, while challenging, achievable.
Make sure your goals are time-bound | Evaluate your progress
Now you have your goals set, it’s important to add an element of pressure. Saying you want to squat with three big plates on either side of the bar is all well and good, but there needs to be a time limit to create some self-competition.
Ensure to evaluate your progress as you continue, and keep note of where you reach after certain times. There’s a couple of reasons for this, whether it be to realise your level of progression or to evaluate where things began started struggling. And if you are struggling..
If needed, re-adjust your goals — but don’t give up entirely
Don’t be afraid to re-adjust your goals. Working out and training is an act of self-improvement. To torture yourself over failing to meet a point defeats the object, and it’s much better to accept your progression was slower than anticipated, evaluate your current level, and move on from there.