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Former UFC heavyweight champion, Hall of Famer Mark Coleman, is recovering after suffering from a potentially fatal heart attack, he has revealed on social media.

Coleman, 55, says that he had been feeling unwell for some time and began feeling pain in his chest and arms last week, after which he drove himself to hospital and was informed by doctors that he had a blockage in an artery. Surgery was performed and a stent was inserted to help alleviate the situation.

Writing about the health scare on Instagram, Coleman says that he drove himself to seek treatment after he became alarmed at his symptoms.


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I hadn’t been feeling so well for quite some time something hit pretty hard Tuesday about 7:00 pm chest locked up my arms went numb sounds pretty obvious but I didn’t want to believe . I walked around and laid down for about 6 hours it didn’t get better I texted my daughters I didn’t want to go wasn’t fair to them so I grabbed my keys made it to the hospital for sure there was nothing wrong but yes there was complete blockage of a major artery if I don’t go I’m probably not here today I’m so glad I went I have so many things I want to do . Tomorrow they will try to break through the artery and put a stent in for the first time in a long time I am motivated I am great full and appreciate all your support it wasn’t my time it’s time to live . ❤️🤼‍♂️💪🏼👊🥋⚒ #UFC #MMA #Wrestling #HOF

A post shared by Mark Coleman (@markdcoleman) on

“I hadn’t been feeling so well for quite some time,” Coleman wrote on Instagram. “Something hit pretty hard Tuesday about 7:00 pm, chest locked up my arms went numb. Sounds pretty obvious but I didn’t want to believe. I walked around and laid down for about 6 hours it didn’t get better. I texted my daughters I didn’t want to go, wasn’t fair to them so I grabbed my keys made it to the hospital.

“For sure there was nothing wrong,” he continued. “But yes there was complete blockage of a major artery. If I don’t go I’m probably not here today. I’m so glad I went, I have so many things I want to do. Tomorrow they will try to break through the artery and put a stent in.

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