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Dillian Whyte says Tyson Fury changed his name from Luke to Tyson in order to help with marketing in his boxing career.

Fury has often spoken of his name being handed to him by his father after being born prematurely and having little to no chance of survival.

Whyte, however, says that story is false, and in actuality, the heavyweight champion made the decision to be more impressive on a poster.

“My real name is Dillian. I know his real name is Luke,” Whyte said, speaking to The Sun. “He changed it to Tyson to make himself sound harder. People can have a little look around on the internet and see for themselves. In boxing, the name Tyson is a lot more sellable than Luke. A lot of what Tyson does and says is a game, you can never take anything he says seriously or at face value.

“He might say he wants to fight me sometimes but how can you trust a man who doesn’t even use his own name?”

It’s not just Fury’s first name Whyte has an issue with either. He also believes the moniker ‘Gypsy King’ should really lie on his shoulders, not Fury.

“He changed it to Tyson to make himself sound harder… in boxing, the name Tyson is a lot more sellable than Luke,” Whyte said. “I will fight anyone, anywhere and that is why I am the real Gypsy King and I have even got my flat cap to prove it. Tyson Fury likes to tell people that he is but let’s see.

“Fury had a privileged upbringing, went to a posh school in an expensive area and lives in a lovely house. What kind of gypsy is he?”