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UFC veteran Khalil Rountree is clear to challenge Alex Pereira for the organisation’s light heavyweight title at UFC 307 on October 5 despite being issued with a suspension by the Nevada State Athletic Commission on Thursday.

Rountree (13-5 (1)) was issued with a 4.5 month ban along with a minor fine of just over $150 which dates back to May after he self-reported the accidental ingestion of the anabolic steroid DHEA following a urine sample. The incident removed him from a high profile UFC 303 fight with Jamahal Hill.

Rountree had notified the commission of the presence of the steroid in a blended supplement, with subsequent analysis backing up the fighter’s claim. The commission praised Rountree’s candour during the process.

“I’m glad he showed up, and the self-reporting obviously had a great influence on the commission’s decision here,” NAC chairman Dallas Haun said of the matter. “I applaud him for self-reporting.”

Rountree also expressed his thanks to the Nevada commission for engaging with him over his claims of accidental ingestion.

“I just want to say thank you guys for looking into the details of the matter,” he said. “It definitely has made a huge difference in everything that’s happening right now in my life. I’m just really appreciative of you guys for taking the extra time to look into the details.”

Meanwhile, the UFC’s anti-doping partner also stated that the trace elements of the substance that appeared in Rountree’s system wouldn’t have provided any performance-boosting elements.

“CSAD (Combat Sports Anti-Doping) has determined that Rountree’s actions after he determined the error, and the evidence of this case, fit these criteria, and thus CSAD is reducing the sanction against Rountree to 2 months,” it said.